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http://www.uupei.com  2012/11/19 9:55:24  优优配·配音文案欣赏
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  Today, China Telecom `s service covers all over China. As one of the largest operator in China or even in the world, China Telecom is dedicated to establishing a global network all the more. This network not only belongs to China Telecom, but also belongs to China.

  There is a great team behind you to work around the clock to ensure the normal running of this large network. NOC is the guardian of network of China Telecom.

  N-O- C ,that is, Network Operation Center, which administrates the key nodes of network of China Telecom. The security of these nodes influences the daily running of China Telecom`s service., such as mobile servicess, internet, long-distance telephone service, andreleased line.

  The range of NOC`s administrations in details comprises from all network operations to the international data transmission. The significance of NOC prohibits any mistakes occurrence , even though that is a subtle mistake , as any mistakes will cause a catastrophe in communications for our users.

  China Telecom gives much concerns to ensuring network safety, and it always takes precaution beforehand, which becomes the basis of the normal operation of social communication.

  Every time when natural disaster occurs,the key point is to make telecommunication services restored. NOC plays the key role of coordinating and directing in integrating resources and restoring interrupted communication.

  When disaster occurs, just providing a telecommunication service to the disaster-affected area is not enough.

  When the glory of the Bird Nest amazes the world, we hope that we can share our pride and joy with the whole world.

  NOC in China Telecom can bring our pride with the joy of sports to people all around the world, and let them feel the greatness of human being and the glory of Olympic Games.

  Every time when we hold our breath and feel the excitement, NOC inChina Telecom will send the message about the rising of China to the world

  Every time when important social event happens, NOC in China Telecom will ensure that people can watch the most vivid and reliable development.

  Communication is an inevitable factor of our modern life, from busy city to remote country, from international event that attracts worldwide attention to every detail of our daily life, and from government information service construction to personal network service consultation. And NOC of China Telecom is the safeguard of communication.

  NOC is the powerful guardian of the safety of China Telecom network.


