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http://www.uupei.com  2012/3/24 11:37:44  优优配·配音文案欣赏
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  沿江开发热土 绿色经济走廊

  A hotspot for development as a riverside area

  A green economic corridor




  Yizheng, at the top of Yangtze Delta, is close to Nanjing, the capital of six ancient dynasties, and bordering with Yangzhou, a historic city.

  ***自古繁华. 人文荟粹. 商贾云集.

  Ancient times has witnessed Yizheng's prosperity and its gathering of talents and merchants


  With rich historic deposits and numerous legends of prosperity, Yizheng, a vigorous area, is actively responding to the theme of economic liftoff of Yangtze Delta and opening-up of the riverside areas. Yizheng has opened its door to the world.


  Hundreds of birds serenade the phoenix

  Hundreds of boats sail and race


  A fresh and dynamic city

  The booming development of the four industrial parks
Five leading industries with distinct characteristics




  In the east of Yizheng and along the Yangtze, Yizheng Economic Development Zone like a rolling locomotive, is speeding up and heading forward.

  优越的地理位置 便捷的交通条件

  Favorable geographical conditions

  Convenient transportation


  With the first ray of light and the first whistle, the old land with young heart is waking up silently.


  Yizheng Economic Development Zone is to the north of Runyang Bridge which spans longest in China. To the south lies the golden water course of Yangtze and to the north lie the Riverside Expressway, Ningtong Expressway and Ningqi Expressway. Sharing the advantages of Shanghai Economic Zone and Nanjing-Zhenjiang-Yangzhou Economic Hub, it takes the advantages of the essential logistics conditions, i.e., waterway, railway, expressway, fuel, and gas, and has energized the resources along the riverside. On the stage of 68 km2 , Yizheng Economic Development Zone is giving its wonderful performance along the 10km long coastlines with its creative hands, and has harvested an output of 50,000,000 RMB yuan with a harmonious rhythm.

  成立于1992年的***经济开发区, 当年即被***省政府批准为省级经济开发区, 2005年,***经济开发区移师沿江建设新区,驶上了发展的快车道. 被列为***省重点发展开发园区,***沿江开发优先发展区域,荣膺"***省具有极大活力的开发区"、"***省企业投资最佳开发区"称号。

  Established in 1992, Yizheng Economic Development Zone was soon approved as a provincial industrial park in the same year. In 2005, moved to the New Development Area along the riverside, Yizheng Economic Development Zone was listed as a key development zone by Jiangsu Provincial Government, and entitled as A Dynamic Development Zone of Jiangsu Province and the Best Development Zone for Investment in Jiangsu.

  精心构建投资家园 助您成就创业梦想

  An ideal home for construction

  A charming paradise for innovation


  Sharing Yangtze's golden coastlines, Yizheng Economic Development Zone is located along the riverside between Yangzhou and Yizheng . Its development mainly focuses on Hi-tech Industrial Area, Shipbuilding Industrial Area, Modern Logistics Area, and Commercial and Residential Area. By laying a solid foundation, it also places special emphasis on the development of the four special industrial parks, namely, the Recycling Economy Industrial Park, the Energy-saving and Environmental Protection Park, the Ship Matching Industrial Park, and the Technology Innovation Park.

  Green channels cover every aspect of the investment projects, and humanistic care extends into every link of the business operation.


  We warmly welcome friends both from home and abroad to Yizheng Economic Development Zone for visiting and investment so as to create a brilliant future together with us.


