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http://www.uupei.com  2012/3/23 10:03:31  优优配·配音文案欣赏
标签:专题片解说词 专题片解说词范文 企业专题片解说词 专题片文案


  As one of the Chinese Top 100 Electronic Information Enterprises and leading providers in the whole LED industry chain, Jiuzhou Group is committed to the promotion and development of LED high-tech industry, to provide safe reliable products and overall design of customized & application solution. Relying on the two powerful LED industrial bases in Mianyang and Shenzhen, Jiuzhou, with the forward-looking and integrates resources for endlessly updating and restructuring, produces the advanced environment-protection and energy saving green products, and strives itself to be one of the Chinese green energy pioneers and get involved in global LED Light Green era.


  Lights of Science --- Leading LED Products Expert


  Concentrating on the LED energy products promotion and innovation, Jiuzhou has established a complete research and development system which based on high-quality and professional team and “Manufacture-Academia-Research-Application” combination. ** has set up a number of joint laboratories with famous universities, Institute of Semiconductors CAS and LED R&D centers, and built up state-level enterprise technology center to deeply study LED application and basic research of raw materials, advanced eutectic solder and integrated modular packaging technology for semiconductors. Jiuzhou focuses on the technology creation and independent innovation capability upgrading, and plays an active part in State Technological and Engineering Projects for LED industry, to keep the pace with the world-level trend and ensure the top technologies to be applied and innovated in Jiuzhou.


  Lights of green energy --- Responsible LED Products Manufacturer

  凭借行业领先的研发实力。世界一流水平的全自动LED产器件生产设备和从芯片到封装、应用整条完善的产业链覆盖上中下游各个LED产业环节,不断研发、生产出行业领先、安全可靠和高性价比的LED半导体器件、半导体照明和显示屏三大产品系列,其中包括LED LAMP、SMD系列、点阵、数码,LED显示模块系列和大功率LED路灯、城市景观亮化系列产品、LED灯管、LED射灯、PAR灯、筒灯等系列化室内外照明产品。**,以技术先进、质量稳定等显著的特色持续领先业界。相继通过ISO9001:国际质量认证体系、ISO14001环境认证体系、CE、RoHs、FCC、3C等产品认证


  Based on the leading R&D ability, world first-class LED automatic production devices and totally improved industry chain, Jiuzhou keeps to research and develop the advanced, safe, reliable and cost-effective LED components, indoor and outdoor solid state lightings and display screen, such as LED Lamp, SMD series, Lattice and digital LED display module series, high-power LED street lamps, urban landscape lighting series, LED tubes, LED spot lights, PAR lights and down lights, etc.. Jiuzhou has gained the certificates of ISO9001 quality system, ISO14001 environment system, UL, CE, RoHs, FCC and 3C. And we will continue to strive to promote the LED industry and contribute the green energy to the society.


  Lights for Excellence --- Credible LED Service Provider

  追求卓越,精益求精,面对全新的LED产业格局,**将继续秉承“专注、协同、创新”的核心价值观,以前瞻性的战略眼光和国际化的视野,紧紧把握LED尖端技术发展动向通过“做强做大封装,逐步向上下游延伸,打造完整产业链”的战略部署把产品、服务做到至善尽,为客户提供最具竞争力的LED产品服务,成为国内领军、国际一流的光电品牌,** 光.爱世界。

  With “Innovation, Opening, Concentration, coordination”, Jiuzhou shall continue to implement our mission statement of “Energy saving light-lighten future”. Based on forward-looking strategy and international view, with our strategic arrangement of “Enhance our packaging technology, to gradually spread to the upstream and downstream in industry links”, Jiuzhou will follow the newest and most advanced LED technology, provide competitive LED products and service to our customers.
Energy saving light-lighten future---Sichuan Jiuzhou Electric Group Co., Ltd.


