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http://www.uupei.com  2013/1/13 14:00:45  优优配·配音文案欣赏
标签:专题片解说词 专题片解说词范文 导游词专题片解说词 专题片文案


  Ladies and gentlemen,


  Welcome to Huangshan National Park. It is both the world’s natural and cultural heritage site and the geological park. Welcome also to the exciting experience of riding on the new cableway. Please do not talk while taking the car and remember there is no smoking in the park except in the designated area.


  The new 2,666-meter cableway was completed in December 2006. The maiden run occurred in September 2007. The cableway is equipped with the most advanced detachable monocable gondola, serving as a safe, fast and comfortable way to get to the top in 8 minutes instead of trekking uphill for a couple of hours. The lower station is located at the northern side of the cloud-valley scenic area, and the upper stations, 775 meters higher, stands at the northeastern side of the white-goose ridge. 14 pylons support the cable along the way. The cable car runs at 6 meters per second. Each cabin can hold up to 8 passengers. It is a very smooth ride but there will be a slight change in motion each time the car passes over a pylon.


  Taking the cable car is also a good way of enjoying the spectacular views of the mountains. Scenic spots like the celestial capital peak, lotus peak, Buddha’s hand peak, the rock dog looking at the moon, the immortal flying over the sea will come before your eyes as you glide over the ragged peaks and deep valleys.



